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2012 American Board Teacher of the Year Nomination Starts Now

(October 2, 2012) —

If you have made a difference in your school and community, stand and be recognized

The American Board is looking to honor one of our alumni as the next American Board Teacher of the Year. The Teacher of the Year is the embodiment of our belief: that community members will become teachers if provided a reasonable path to certification, that their inspiration to teach comes from their commitment to their community, and their work experience outside the classroom provides them with a unique and invaluable prospective on the subject they teach. As Teacher of the Year, you would be awarded for what you have accomplished and your story would show other communities, schools, and aspiring teachers what is possible.

The 2012 Teacher of the Year will be succeeding Michelle Gilmer of Pendleton High School in South Carolina, a remarkable teacher who left a high-paying career in engineering because her dream was to teach math.

How to be nominated

The nominating period for this year’s American Board Teacher of the Year has begun and is open until Oct. 31, 2012. In order to be considered, you must be nominated by your principal or department head and they are required to complete this online nomination form endorsing you as Teacher of the Year. Each candidate’s endorsement will be posted on our website and the entire education community will have the chance to vote for who they think should be Teacher of the Year. The candidate with the most votes will be named State Teacher of the Year for their state and will be a finalist for National Teacher of the Year. There will be one finalist for each state.

Declaring the winner

American Board senior staff will name the national winner based on review of each state finalist’s profile and a telephone interview led by American Board President & CEO Shawn McCollough.

To be nominated please have your principal or department head fill out and submit the online nomination form which can be found at no later than Oct. 31, 2012. If you have questions, contact Aaron Helmbrecht at (202) 261-2636 or

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