Do you have a deep love of history and a desire to share your knowledge of the past? It’s never too late to start a career as a history teacher. Our nonprofit program was created to help career changers transition into the classroom; you can enroll anytime to start earning history teacher certification in your state.
American Board’s History teacher certification program is designed to help you become a teacher without debt or downtime. Become a history teacher through our online program and, in less than one year, you could be starting in your own classroom! Your knowledge of both United States and World History will be tested in this program. Your program includes candidate services, exams, online coursework, practice exams, and more!
In order to earn History teacher certification with American Board, you will need to meet the following requirements:
American Board’s History Standard Certification Program includes the following:
Study Plans: Our study plans are based on best practices and recommendations from students that have already completed our program.
Prepare to Teach Workshops: Familiarize yourself with teaching concepts and practices using online lessons, video case studies, and printable resources.
Online Refresher Course: Explore over 300 pages of material, dedicating more time to topics that need an intense review and breezing through what you already know.
Practice Exams: Practice in the same format as the real test on more than 300 sample questions. These include full-length tests, topic quizzes, timed and untimed modes, and complete explanations of the answers.
Exams: Take exams when you are ready, according to your own schedule. Testing is available year-round at Pearson VUE centers, Monday-Saturday.
PTK Workbook: Did you know you need to learn one hundred different standards in order to pass the American Board Professional Teaching Knowledge (PTK) exam? We’ve designed a one hundred page workbook to help maximize studying for the PTK exam. It provides a concrete way to navigate and learn the exam’s standards.
PTK Quiz Bank I: This quiz bank focuses on the topics that students have the most difficulty with on the actual exam. This tool is designed so that candidates can avoid test pitfalls and succeed the first time they test.
PTK Quiz Bank II: A perfect complement to Quiz Bank I, this study resource ensures that candidates will also focus on the remaining topics that must be mastered in order to pass the PTK exam.
We base our testing on two very informative books:
Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam and Cracking the AP World History Exam.
Each book contains section quizzes and two sample Advanced Placement exams. The sample Advanced Placement exams are very similar to the U.S. History and World History American Board exams you would take to pass the program.
Students in the American Board History Standard Program will be required to purchase these two books separate from the American Board program. The books can be found on for around $15 each.
We are available to answer your questions via email, chat, or phone. Reach out to us with questions and we’ll be happy to help you figure out if our program is the right fit for your needs.
Call 1-877-669-2228 to speak with our Enrollment Team or click the button below to email us.