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The American Board, also known as The American Board for the Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE), offers a flexible, affordable path to earn your teaching certification in Arkansas. You can complete our self-paced program online without quitting your job or taking additional college courses.


To use a teaching certification from the American Board in the state of Arkansas, candidates will need to complete the following steps:

1. Complete the ABCTE program.

2. Apply to the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) and complete the appropriate ADE licensure application form.

3. Obtain a teaching position in an Arkansas school. The school may either be an Arkansas public or charter school. The school cannot be private.

4. Submit evidence of your offer of employment to the Arkansas Department of Education and complete both the criminal records check and Child Maltreatment Central Registry check.

*All candidates must have their background checks approved before they can begin their professional development (step 6). The background check cannot be over one year old when candidates submit their offer of employment to the Arkansas Department of Education.

5. Apply for your teaching license. You will initially receive a 3-year non-renewable provisional teaching license.

6. Complete required professional development courses and certifications as required by the state. These include courses in Child Maltreatment, Parental Involvement, Teen Suicide Prevention, and Dyslexia Awareness. These courses can be completed for free on the ArkansasIDEAS website.

The ADE will let candidates know exactly which courses will be required of them on ArkansasIDEAs based on their individual program. Waivers will not be given based on prior experience.

7. Begin teaching. You will initially teach on a 3-year non-renewable provisional teaching license.


In order to upgrade your provisional teaching license into a 5-year renewable standard teaching license you must complete the following steps:

1. Participate in a 2-year mentoring program as required by the state. This program will pair you with an experienced teacher within your school for classroom observations and advice. The state superintendent may require a third year of mentoring.

2. Participate in the Teacher Excellence and Support System (T.E.S.S.) training program and undergo a summative evaluation. You must receive a proficient or distinguished overall rating by your third year of teaching. Your employing school district may receive a waiver for an alternate evaluation system.

3. If applicable, submit documentation of the successful completion of Arkansas History and Disciplinary Literacy requirements. Learn more about these requirements at ArkansasIDEAS.

4. Provide a recommendation from the superintendent of the employing school district.

5. Complete the appropriate Arkansas Department of Education licensure application form and payment.


Choose a grade range and subject area below to learn more about the requirements to teach that subject. Please note, grade ranges overlap due to differences between school districts.

Elementary (K-6)

Elementary Education

Middle Grades (4-8). Pick 2 subjects.*

English Language Arts (ELA) General Science History* Math

Secondary (7-12)

Biology Chemistry English Language Arts (ELA) History*** Math Physics

*To receive a license from the state of Arkansas to teach Middle Levels/Middle School, you must certify in two subject areas. The ABCTE program costs include one subject area. Adding an additional certification will cost $850.

**In order to earn your provisional teaching license to teach Middle School History/Social Studies, you must pass the Middle School Social Studies Praxis exam. Learn more about the Praxis exam here.

***In order to earn your provisional teaching license to teach Secondary History, you must pass the Secondary Social Studies Praxis exam. Learn more about the Praxis exam here.

Select the subject area of your choice above to Enroll Now!


Call 877-669-2228 or email us at to speak with our team about starting a new career as a teacher in Arkansas.

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Please note: while we do our best to stay current with state requirements, we are not responsible for any changes to state, district, and school regulations.