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Dr. Gregory E. Stone

Assistant Professor Education Research and Measurement Judith Herb College of Education University of Toledo Toledo, OH

Dr. Stone currently serves as an Associate Professor at The University of Toledo, specializing in advanced modern measurement, psychometrics, evaluation and the development and delivery of sound, valid, and reliable assessments. Along with his mentor Benjamin Wright at The University of Chicago, Dr. Stone pioneered revolutionary new models for the establishment of equitable performance standards on educational achievement tests and continues to fight for fair and unbiased testing practices across the country. Prior to his academic service, Dr. Stone worked for more than a dozen years in advanced research and leadership capacities for several national and international testing organizations, and the Florida State Department of Health. Additionally, he dedicated four years of service to child welfare issues at the Chicago Child Care Society, the oldest organization of its kind in the State of Illinois.

In addition to his educational service Dr. Stone is Founder and Managing partner of MetriKs Amérique, LLC, a private international psychometric, evaluation and progressive educational consulting firm with partners based across the United States and 3 foreign countries. He presently serves as psychometric advisor to 12 national advanced certification boards.

As a frequent presenter at educational, psychological and humanities conferences around the world, Dr. Stone has built a reputation for practical thought and scholarship excellence, most recently evidenced in his invitation to present and the International Humanities Conference (Cambridge), Leeds University (Leeds, United Kingdom) and Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Conference (Hong Kong).

Continuing his work to promote modern theory in place of unfair, outdated processes still widely used, Dr. Stone is the author of Objective Standard Setting (or Truth in Advertising) and most recently Objective Standard Setting for Judge Mediated Examinations. In addition, he has authored over fifty other publications including several book chapters and assessment preparation tools.

Dr. Stone serves as Chair of the Faculty Mentoring Subcommittee of The University of Toledo/Bowling Green State University Office of Collaboration, a state sponsored educational cooperative devoted to the expansion of cooperative research and funding for Northwest Ohio. In addition to his record of publications, he serves on the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Applied Measurement, and serves as a manuscript reviewer for the journal, the American Educational Research Association and The International Objective Measurement Conferences.

A native of Florida, Dr. Stone holds a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Shimer College (Chicago), a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago, and a Doctorate in Measurement, Evaluation and Statistical Analysis from The University of Chicago.

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