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Celebrate Teaching Every Day of the Year

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats May 7, National Teacher’s Day, is a very special day in the United States. While there are many holidays that a teacher can celebrate in the classroom to engage with students’ creativity, this is one that celebrates […]

Encourage an Appreciation of Reading During National Poetry Month

(April 18, 2013) Students often cringe when they hear the word “poetry,” but a well-planned poetry lesson can engage and inspire appreciation of the written word, refresh the spirit and expand the mind.  Poetry is, after all, “food for the soul,” and neuroscience shows us that poetry and wordplay excite neurological activity, helping people process […]

Math and science contests offer rewards for schools

Many companies and organizations are holding contests to encourage innovation in math and science education. These contest provide an excellent chance for classroom brainstorming and for teachers to exercise their skills and creative spark. Some current contests include the following: The Afterschool Alliance is sponsoring the STEM Impact Awards 2013. The organization is looking for extracurricular […]

American Board Focuses on Community Development

(March 14) – Recently, the American Board’s Chief Operating Officer, Albert Chen, sat down to explain the organization’s new motto: “Your Community. Your Teachers.” Below are his thoughts on how the American Board helps to build communities by recruiting quality teachers. A mission statement is meant to reflect the specific, unique goals of an organization, […]

Female STEM Role Models Needed

Unlike in decades past, both young boys and young girls are told by parents and teachers that they can grow up to be anything they want. And many of them want to be scientists. Throughout their school day, both boys and girls generally see men teaching them math and science – many with the same […]