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The ABC's of Nuclear Science

The ABC’s of Nuclear Science is a brief introduction to Nuclear Science. It looks at antimatter, beta rays, cosmic connection and much more.

Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy

The main aim of this book is to introduce the student to spectroscopy in a clear manner which avoids, as far as possible, the mathematical aspects of the subject. It is thus intended for first or second year undergraduates, particularly those with minimal mathematics qualifications. After explaining the theory behind spectroscopy, the book then goes on to look at the different techniques, such as rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy. It encompasses both high resolution (structural) and low resolution (analytical) spectroscopy, demonstrating their close interrelationship.

Atomic Structure and Periodicity

Atomic Structure and Periodicity presents basic atomic theory as given in first and second year courses at university. It demonstrates that the structure of the Periodic Table as we know it is based on sound principles. Throughout the book, theoretical concepts are presented, along with the experimental evidence for them.

Bonding and Structure of Molecules and Solids

This book is intended to introduce advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students to the quantum mechanical concepts employed in materials science. Topics range from experimental trends in bonding and structure to the bonding of transition metals and semiconductors.

Chemical Bonds: An Introduction to Atomic and Molecular Structure

This book by a world-renowned chemist and award-winning chemistry teacher provides a complete introduction to atomic and molecular structure and bonding for science students.

Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution

This chemical kinetics book blends physical theory, phenomenology, and empiricism to provide a guide to the experimental practice and interpretation of reaction kinetics in solution.

Chemistry for Dummies

This guide covers such topics as matter and energy, elements and atoms, acids and gases, and much more. Discusses the basic chemistry concepts and how chemistry affects our day-to-day lives.


Designed for a two-semester general chemistry course, Chang’s textbook has often been considered a student favorite. This best-selling textbook takes a traditional approach. It features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies.

Chemistry: Concepts and Problems: A Self-Teaching Guide

Have you ever wondered about the differences between liquids, gases, and solids? Or what actually happens when something burns? What exactly is a solution? An acid? A base? This is chemistry—the composition and structure of substances composing all matter, and how they can be transformed. This interactive guide gives you a fresh approach to this subject.

Chemistry: The Science in Context

Throughout this text, the chemistry skills, concepts, and facts standard to the general chemistry course are introduced, but within the context of broader scientific questions and societal applications. The website complements the text or can be used as a stand alone learning resource. It includes engaging animated tutorials and interactive practice exercises.

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