Alternate Assessments for Students with Disabilities clearly explains the “why” of alternate assessment and supports this with lots of “how to” information.
This book describes characteristics of good assessments, testing accommodations, alternate assessments, and best practices for inclusive assessment programs and educational accountability.
Best Behavior is an evidence-based program that offers schools a fully integrated and comprehensive system for managing student behavior.Best Behavior combines four different support systems (school, classroom, family, and individual student) into a single, effective program.
This handbook explains IEPs and IDEA 1997 from the legal point of view, citing the law and court cases throughout. It spells out do’s and don’ts of placement, funding, and procedure; describes the IEP team; gives examples of problematic IEPs; and shows how to write legally and educationally sound IEPs.
A text for teachers on behavior management in the classroom. Includes chapters on conceptual models, the history of behavior modification, targeting behaviors, diagnosing problems, data collection and analysis, social skills training, and stress management.
This book provides a research-based framework and practical strategies for vocabulary development with children from the earliest grades through high school.
This is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand reference that not only covers the majority of the exceptionalities that educators are likely to encounter in any classroom, but also provides a concise explanation of the current laws that guide teacher behavior. This practical book is an all-in-one health, disability, and legal resource for every teacher working in today’s inclusive classrooms.
This volume presents an up-to-date conceptual model and practical tools for meeting the challenges of severe problem behavior in elementary and middle-school settings. The focus is on developing and implementing team-based support plans for the 1-5% of students who require intensive, individualized behavioral assessment and intervention.
CHAMPS provides practical tips on how to organize and manage a classroom. It provides ideas about how to build a positive and preventive management program across grade levels.