Use the information below as a guide to how you will present yourself in your interviews. For each point, develop a positive response that focuses on your strengths. Whenever possible, give concrete examples to back up your statements.
Describe the American Board certification program
Some principals may not be familiar with American Board. Make sure to explain that the certification program is a federally-recognized alternative route to certification that allows career changers to demonstrate their knowledge and apply their experiences to the teaching profession
If you are applying for a position in a state that accepts American Board’s certification, be sure to mention that American Board is recognized by that state. Some of our teachers have printed out information from their state’s Department of Education website which shows that American Board is an accepted certification route
Discuss your certification status
You should be able to talk about your current certification status which may or may not include a Temporary Certificate, License to Teach or educator certification, depending on your state’s requirements
You may want to mention the remaining steps that you will complete to receive a state certificate, how you will achieve these steps, and your estimated date for receiving this state certificate. You will want to show that you are knowledgeable about the certification process and emphasize that will have your full state certificate
Describe what it takes to earn an American Board certificate
Knowledge of the best practices in teaching and a strong mastery of subject area knowledge
Self-discipline, dedication, and resourcefulness to complete an independent study program
Discuss the rigor of the program and mention that less than half of the candidates are able to complete the program. Talk about how you prepared and how many hours a week were involved
You can also mention some compelling facts about American Board teachers including that 95% of principals rated our teachers to be as effective or more effective than their peers and that passing the American Board exams is as difficult as passing the PRAXIS exams at the highest state cut scores
Express why you want to teach
Show your passion for teaching and helping students to succeed
Discuss the personality traits and experiences that set you apart and how they apply to the classroom. This may include:
Management or leadership roles
Creative abilities
Ability to inspire and bring enthusiasm
Experience working or taking classes in your subject matter
Parenting and/or working with youth
Technical skill or proficiency with technological resources
Anything else in your background that will make you an excellent teacher
Discuss your teaching philosophy
Show what you know about the school, district and state
Make sure to mention if you have had any personal experiences with the district or school
Learn about the school and the district. The more you know, the better equipped you are to show your enthusiasm about the position. The school or district website is usually a good place to start for information
Try to find out who will be interviewing you and their role within the school or district. It could be someone at the district level, the principal, or with a panel of administrators and teachers. If you are interviewing with multiple people, be sure to bring several copies of your portfolio
Ask informed questions about the school or district to express both your knowledge and interest in being a part of that community
Develop some background knowledge of the state and local academic standards. This may come up in an interview question