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Online Teacher Certification

in Florida

Earn your certification online in less than one year with our self-paced program. Flexible, affordable and straightforward, the American Board program is designed to enable you to earn teaching certification without quitting your job or going into debt. Study wherever and whenever you are most comfortable, at a pace that works with your schedule. You can enroll at any time. Please watch our video to find out more.

Certifications Offered in Florida

Choose a subject below to learn more about the requirements to teach that subject:

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No classes. No semesters. Start any time.
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What Our Teachers Are Saying

The best part of being a teacher is definitely the kids. I feel like seeing their excitement, even kids that are resistant, seeing them learn something for the first time makes it worth it. I look forward to being in the classroom no matter what’s going on and I didn’t have that in my other profession.

Jennie, 7th Grade ELA Teacher, South Carolina

How It Works

To use a teaching certificate from the American Board in the state of Florida, candidates will need to complete the following steps:

1. Complete the American Board program by passing the required pedagogy and subject area exams.

2. Apply to the Florida Department of Education’s Bureau of Educator Certification for a Statement of Eligibility.

3. Obtain a teaching position in a Florida school.

-At this point, the school district will process your fingerprints and request the issuance of a 3-year non-renewable Temporary Certificate.

4. Begin teaching in a Florida school.

5. Complete the school district’s approved Professional Educator Competency Demonstration Program (this program varies and is specific to your school district).

6. Apply to upgrade your 3-year non-renewable Temporary Certificate into a renewable 5-year Florida Professional Certificate within your first three years of teaching.

*It is recommended you apply for your Statement of Eligibility and obtain a teaching position within 3 years of completing the American Board program.

**If you currently hold a Florida Temporary Teaching Permit (TTP) you will need to take the American Board Professional Teaching Knowledge exam (PTK), American Board Subject Area Exam, and Florida General Knowledge Exam (outside of American Board program). In passing these exams, and having a full year experience in the classroom you will be able to transition your TTP into the Florida Professional Teaching Certificate.