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Online Teacher Certification

in Oklahoma

Earn your certification online in less than one year with our self-paced program. Flexible, affordable and straightforward, the American Board program is designed to enable you to earn teaching certification without quitting your job or going into debt. Study wherever and whenever you are most comfortable, at a pace that works with your schedule. You can enroll at any time. Please watch our video to find out more.

Certifications Offered in Oklahoma

Choose a subject below to learn more about the requirements to teach that subject:

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No classes. No semesters. Start any time.
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What Our Teachers Are Saying

The best part of being a teacher is definitely the kids. I feel like seeing their excitement, even kids that are resistant, seeing them learn something for the first time makes it worth it. I look forward to being in the classroom no matter what’s going on and I didn’t have that in my other profession.

Jennie, 7th Grade ELA Teacher, South Carolina

How to Become a Teacher in Oklahoma

To become a teacher in Oklahoma with American Board's teacher certification program, candidates will need to complete the following steps:

1. Complete the American Board program by passing the required pedagogy and subject area exams.

2. Obtain a full-time teaching position.

3. Apply to the Oklahoma State Board of Education for a one-year, non-renewable secondary or middle level teaching license.

4. Apply concurrently for the American Board Mentoring Program ($595).

5. During your first year in the classroom, complete 1 year of the American Board’s mentoring program. In order to begin the mentoring program, you must:

a. Must be teaching in your American Board certified subject area.

b. Select your mentor. After approval and training by the American Board, he/she will observe you at least 4 times during the school year.

c. Work with your mentor after each observation to improve your teaching practices.

d. Once all criteria has been met, receive a certificate of completion from the American Board.

6. After completing your first year of teaching and mentorship program, apply for the Oklahoma Standard License, a 5-year renewable permanent teaching certificate. This certificate will be renewed throughout your career.