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Scheduling Exams with Pearson VUE

Candidates in our program study at their own pace to prepare for their teacher certification exams. It’s incredibly flexible and convenient for American Board candidates to build a study schedule that works for them- and that’s exactly how we were designed to be!

Once candidates have studied the online materials and used the practice quizzes and practice exams to determine that they are ready to take there exams, they can log into their American Board account to schedule both the subject area exam and the pedagogy exam. 

In order to schedule exams, candidates need to follow the directions outlined below. It’s important to note that candidates must to go to the Pearson VUE webpage that has been set up specifically for American Board candidates and create a user account for Pearson VUE. Many times, candidates think that they can use their American Board account to sign into the Pearson VUE site; however, these are two separate organizations. If you are a candidate, please make sure you follow the directions outlined below.

How To Schedule Your Exams

  1. Log in to your Candidate Dashboard .
  2. Click on the My Courses tab .
  3. Click on the Actions button, located to the right of your Study Materials.
  4. Click on Schedule Exams. This will take you to the Pearson VUE website.
  5. Create a Pearson VUE account. You cannot use your American Board log-in credentials for this part. You MUST create a separate account on the Pearson VUE server in order to be able to schedule your exams.

  6. Select an available date and book your exam.


Contact us at 1-866-445-5258 to speak with our Candidate Services team or email us at