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Idaho Education Leader Dr. Randy Thompson Joins American Board

WASHINGTON, DC (May 28, 2004)— The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (American Board) today proudly announced that Dr. Randy Thompson, former Chief Academic Officer (CAO) for the Idaho State Board of Education, will serve as its vice president of Marketing and Business Development. Thompson will lead the American Board’s marketing efforts to state governments and agencies as the organization seeks to expand adoption of its alternative teaching pathway to more states.

“Dr. Thompson’s significant experience as an advocate for education issues at the state level makes him a valuable addition to the American Board. We are privileged to have him join our team," said Dr. Kathleen Madigan, president of the American Board. “Randy brings tremendous dedication and extensive knowledge to his new role. His experience in improving education standards will benefit our program and its teacher certification candidates."

For two years prior to assuming the CAO role, Dr. Thompson coordinated ISU’s Master of Public Health Program in Boise. In that role he conducted extensive research into the factors that affect tobacco use in Idaho’s youth population. Over the past 15 years Dr. Thompson has operated TCT, Inc. a consulting firm that specializes in marketing and strategic planning. He has created marketing and strategic plans for companies in the financial, health care and service industries. He has published articles on topics including marketing strategies, behavior change and tobacco cessation. He developed a national training program in smoking cessation for pharmacists and continues to train health care professionals in cessation skills.

“I share the American Board’s commitment to improving teacher quality and am excited about joining their team,"  Thompson said. “The Passport to TeachingSM certification program will help increase student achievement by providing competent teachers in all of our nation’s classrooms, regardless of any socio-economic factors. Through my work in Idaho, I’ve witnessed first-hand the need for an alternative pathway to attract qualified individuals to teach. I am honored for the opportunity to help implement this innovative program."

About the American Board

The American Board addresses the need to place a highly qualified teacher in every classroom. Through assessments of rigorous standards in professional teaching and subject area knowledge, the American Board offers a new approach to certification that helps states identify qualified individuals with the knowledge to boost student academic achievement.

The American Board is recognized as approved provider of teacher certification in the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The recently released Teaching Commission report, Teaching at Risk: A Call to Action cited the American Board’s program as a promising and innovative model for testing and certification.

The American Board was recognized by Secretary Paige as an innovative new option for teacher certification in “Meeting the Highly Qualified Teachers Challenge," The Secretary’s Second Annual Report on Teacher Quality, July 2003 and also in the U.S. Department of Education Toolkit for Teachers, September 2003.

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