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It’s Time.

You’ve been thinking about this. Chances are you’ve checked out our website and even attended an event or enrolled in a free trial. If you still have questions, our Enrollment team is standing by to assist you.

You can do the free trial. You can look over state requirements. You can do your research- and we sincerely hope you do, because you’ll see we are the fastest, easiest and most affordable option for online teacher certification in the country. There are no hidden costs and no gimmicks. Our nonprofit was created for people just like you, people who want to become teachers and have a career that makes an impact on their community.

But, at some point, you have to decide if you are ready to make it real. If you are ready for the next step.

Enroll Today. Start Today.

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No Debt

For less than the cost of one college class, earn your teaching certification online.

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No Classes

Study when and where you want to- complete the program on your schedule.

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No Student Teaching

You don’t have to leave your job or daily responsibilities in order to finish. Just pass two tests and complete state-specific requirements.

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Start Anytime

Open enrollment means you can start anytime. Enroll today and finish in less than one year.

Enroll Today

No classes. No semesters. Start any time.
Click to Enroll

What Our Teachers Are Saying

“The best part of being a teacher is definitely the kids. I feel like seeing their excitement, even kids that are resistant, seeing them learn something for the first time makes it worth it. I look forward to being in the classroom no matter what’s going on and I didn’t have that in my other profession.”

Jennie, 7th Grade ELA Teacher, South Carolina


We are available to answer your questions via email, chat, or phone. Reach out to us with questions and we’ll be happy to help you figure out if our program is the right fit for your needs.

Call 1-877-669-2228 to speak with our Enrollment Team or click the button below to email us.