You can become a teacher in New Hampshire on your own schedule, without quitting your current job or going into debt. Try our teacher certification program free for seven days and see if you are ready to start earning your New Hampshire teaching certificate. Enroll anytime and get started to become a teacher in New Hampshire with the nonprofit American Board program.
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To become a teacher in New Hampshire with American Board’s teacher certification program, candidates will need to complete the following steps:
1. Complete the American Board program.
* For Elementary Education only, pass the Foundations of Reading exam.
2. Apply to the New Hampshire Department of Education for your state-issued Beginner Educator Certificate.
3. Obtain a teaching position in a New Hampshire school.
4. Teach full-time for 3 years and be deemed either Effective or Highly Effective for two consecutive years based on the local educator evaluation system.
5. Apply for your state-issued New Hampshire Experienced Educator Certificate. This is your permanent teaching certificate that will be renewed throughout your career.
For more information on state teaching requirements visit the New Hampshire Board of Education’s website, or call 603-271-3494.