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The Post & Courier: Cane Bay educator named National Teacher of the Year (8/7/13)

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence today announced South Carolina’s Shelley Dalpiaz as the National Teacher of the Year. This award honors an American Board alum who exemplifies the organization’s belief that the inspiration to teach comes from a commitment to the community and the desire to make a difference.

In an article in The Post & Courier (8/7/13), Dalpiaz said if she hadn’t gotten pregnant, she never may have become a teacher. But Dalpiaz did, and she is in her eighth year of teaching and her fourth year at Cane Bay High School, where she teaches algebra. Dalpiaz earned her certification through the American Board program because “it gave me the opportunity to become a teacher without having to start from scratch,” she said.

Many American Board students are career-changers, such as Dalpiaz, said Shawn Arevalo McCollough, president and CEO of the American Board. “Shelley brings a unique, invaluable, and inspirational perspective into the classroom,” he said. “She truly shows students that acquiring STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills matters and provides greater opportunities.”

Dalpiaz said she finds teaching more rewarding than microbiology because “in teaching, I see the results of my work right away.” To read the full article, click here.

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