This Study Plan comprises the full spectrum of materials and resources available to a candidate. We encourage you to use the recommended resources to target preparation to your needs and goals.
There will be hyperlinks throughout this document. Please make sure that you visit the relevant pages to access all of the resources.
Your commitment to great teaching begins here. Your efforts will not only help you pass the test, but will also prepare you to become a successful teacher.
The American Board is committed to making sure you are the best possible teacher. We will provide you with study tips to get ready for the exam and both the content and resources to review this material. It is your job to commit to preparing and stay dedicated while studying.
Think of the Snapshot below as an overview for what you need to know. For more detail in each topic, review the exam standards ( http://www.American ) . The American Board exams are based on this blueprint, so consider this a syllabus for what you want to study.
The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence believes that highly skilled teachers should possess a comprehensive body of knowledge that is research-based and promotes student achievement. The Professional Teaching Knowledge exam is designed to assess a new teacher’s knowledge of teaching-related criteria. Such knowledge is typically obtained in undergraduate preparation in areas such as human development, classroom management, instructional design and delivery techniques, assessment, and other professional preparation. This exam also contains a writing component that will evaluate a candidate’s ability to write to audiences they will most likely address as a teacher: parents, colleagues, and/or school administrators.
The right way to get started: using the Standards as your syllabus The Standards are your study lifeline; you can find them on your Account page under Courses > Review PTK Course. Throughout the course of your study, you will learn all of them. How to begin? Here is the American Board’s Standards Stepwise method:
It is important to have a plan of attack to study. Block out set times to study and if you slip and miss a session, restart your plan instead of letting yourself get paralyzed and procrastinate.
Review the specific PTK standard Standards
REQUIRED RESOURCE Review the specific PTK standard
Find the Prepare to Teach Workshop on your Account Page under “Courses” and then PTK “Review Course”
REQUIRED RESOURCE Review the specific PTK standard http://www.American
The PTK writing component will consist of a prompt which in turn consists of several tasks. It is critical that you address every task to get a passing grade (4 or higher out of 6) on the writing component.
IMPORTANT: Most people believe they can write and often underestimate the writing component of the exam, especially when it is in a letter form. As a result, they often neglect spending the time learning, and then practicing what kind of writing is being asked of them.
IMPORTANT: Scoring is holistic and based on a rubric. Examine the rubric and note what elements are required for a score of 6, and understand the difference between a score of 3 and a score of 4, as that is the pass/fail mark.
IMPORTANT: Excellent writers can have the problem of trying to be too creative in their writing and may miss required tasks in the prompt. Stick to a clean intro, body paragraphs, and conclusion as taught in the 5 paragraph form. Use the sample essays to see how they are constructed. Sample essays can be found in the PTK rubric. You can find the rubric and other resources here: Writing Component Resources
Resources: Writing Webinar:
Additional Writing Prompts: