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Seminole Chronicle: Schools Voice Need for STEM Teachers (7/3/13)

Teachers with a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) background are in demand in Florida, and Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) is focused on recruiting and retaining STEM-qualified teachers. “STEM is a major emphasis for our school district, we are focused on making sure our students are prepared for 21st century careers,” said Walt Griffin, SCPS superintendent.

The American Board teacher certification program was featured in the Seminole Chronicle article. “The process of certification the American Board provides is designed to encourage professionals, especially from STEM-related fields, who have given teaching a thought, to act on that and give it a shot.” Lauren Schubel, the American Board Florida representative said, “With STEM becoming such a highly regarded area, if we don’t have qualified people from our own state to fill those jobs, we’re putting ourselves at a disadvantage.” To read the full article, click here.

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