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Veterans Make a Difference with Future Generations through Teaching

WASHINGTON, DC (July 3, 2013)

A 10-year Navy veteran and U.S. Naval Academy alumnus with a degree in mechanical engineering, CLARK SARGE chose to serve his country again, but this time as a math teacher at Hughesville High School in Hughesville, PA. “I love being a teacher,” said Sarge. “Interacting with the students and watching them grow, learn and grasp new concepts is an amazing and indescribable joy of my job.”

To transition into the classroom after years of military service, Sarge pursued his teacher certification through the American Board, an online, independent study program that allows professionals, recent graduates, and veterans like Sarge to become certified to teach. “This affordable and convenient alternative option was a perfect complement to my busy work schedule,” said Sarge. “The program was not only accommodating, but it was also a great way to prepare me for the classroom.”

DEBRA RICHERSON, an Air Force logistician, received her Bachelor’s degree in industrial technology. During a post in Germany, one of nearly 30 countries she was stationed in during her 20 year military career, Richerson volunteered at her children’s school , and she found herself at home in the classroom atmosphere. “One of my kids’ teachers asked me if I had ever considered teaching,” said Richerson. On her final military post in Qatar, Richerson enrolled in the American Board program, which drove her to pursue a master’s degree in education and become a principal at Salmon River High School in Riggins, ID. Richerson credits both her military background and experience with the American Board for her career success. “The military played a great part, but I believe that the American Board was terrific for me. The program recognizes different life experiences, and the rigorous exams play a major role in letting future employers know you’re serious and capable.”

In 2011, President BARACK OBAMA issued a call to action, challenging the nation to prepare 100,000 science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers over the next 10 years to support future American success in a competitive global economy. The 100kin10 Initiative is focused on recruiting, developing, and retaining excellent teachers and leaders with STEM backgrounds.

The American Board seeks to support this initiative by identifying new and highly qualified talent for local classrooms. “By answering the President’s challenge, we are preparing teachers who will inspire millions of young Americans,” said SHAWN ARÉVALO McCOLLOUGH, President and CEO of the American Board. McCollough is a former teacher, principal and superintendent of schools. “Veterans have proven their natural leadership and teaching skills; they understand better than anyone the importance of inspirational leaders. I encourage these heroes to continue their service in America’s classrooms.”


Media Inquiries
Cathleen Healy

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence is a nonprofit organization that offers an online teacher certification program in 12 states for candidates that hold a Bachelor’s degree. Providing the essential classroom management training for teachers to be successful, the American Board program is an affordable opportunity for qualified professionals to transition into teaching and serve their local communities.

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