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Local Representative Program

If you’ve landed here, you are one of our local American Board Representatives. This page is a resource for you, spelling out everything you’ll need to know about hosting informational events for our non-profit program.

Please bookmark this page! We do make updates here as we discover new best practices for events, so you’ll want to refer back to this regularly in order to get the most out of your time as a local representative.

Each month, you will receive a monthly newsletter filled with tips, best practices, and important information to help you host great events and increase your commissions. Make sure you actually read it each month- don’t let it sit in your inbox!

Finally, you can always contact our Representative Program Coordinator if you have any questions.


Here are a few basics:

  • Each month, we ask you to schedule between 1 and 3 events, depending on your location. You are paid per event.
  • Events should always be at a local library or community center. On occasion, if a school asks you to hold an event for their substitutes and Parapros, the event can be at the school itself.
  • If anyone enrolls with us from your event and does not un-enroll within 60 days, you get a $75 commission.
  • Use the PowerPoint presentation given to you during events to walk prospective candidates through the program.
  • Wherever you host, you should have the ability to project from a computer onto a screen (almost every library has a room that can do this).
  • Send us the ‘leads’ (name, emails, area of interest) the same day as the event. Everyone lead gets a FREE one week free trial of the program.

Representative Resources

Please note we have now moved to an online sign-in process, effective July 12, 2018. For more information, download the updated version of your state powerpoint or check the Info Session Scheduling Guidelines. If a technological issue arises, you may use this version.

Information Session Guidelines

  • According to your availability, schedule 1 to 2 one-hour long information sessions per month at neutral locations such as libraries or community centers
  • Information sessions may be held after 10 am on weekdays and Saturdays
  • Do not schedule multiple sessions within the same week
  • Vary locations and times as much as possible; only one session/venue/month
  • At least 2 weeks’ notice must be given before each presentation scheduled
  • Booking fees for the venue should not exceed $30, and emphasize our nonprofit status when booking. Reimbursement occurs through the invoice, and receipts of room reservation fees must be emailed with the invoice.
  • Any reimbursement for mileage must be preapproved by sending the total mileage for which you request reimbursement.
  • Round trip mileage less than 50 miles will not be reimbursed.
  • Send the information for your session in the following format:

Monday, January 29th, 2018 Local Library – Specific Room Street Address City, State, Zip Information session begins at 00:00 pm. Any additional information.

  • Online Sign-in:
    • Use the instructions on slide 2 of the powerpoint to walk your attendees through signing in online. If no one attends, email with that information by midnight.
  • Paper Sign-in Sheets:
    • Text or email your sign-in sheet to by midnight of your event date in order to receive payment
    • Write your name, the date, and location on the top of your sign-in sheet
    • Check for legibility of handwriting so we can follow up with attendees
    • Sign-in sheets must be submitted even if no one attends
  • Invoicing:
    • Fill in template in Word completely
    • Include all information sessions on one invoice, to be emailed to after your last event of each month
    • Include any fees and receipts for room reservations
  • In the case of severe weather, please notify us as soon as possible before or after your information session
  • If you do not attend a scheduled session or leave the ambassador position without at least 30 days’ notice, you will forfeit payment for that session and commission
  • With any additional questions, please contact Carissa Martin, Ambassador Program Coordinator or 202-263-8313

For Printable Version: Information Session Scheduling Guidelines

Local Outreach Tips

Hello, local ambassador! Your work in your community is crucial to getting more certified teachers into classrooms, so we want to make sure you are fully equipped to promote American Board. A key part of this is local outreach, so below are some tips to aid you in that process. Feel free to use every method or a combination you feel would be most effective in your area – we trust you to know your communities best.

Online: This method is best in more metropolitan areas or areas where social media use is prevalent. Prevalent social media use and good internet connection are useful determinants for whether online promotion will be effective in your community.

  • When you receive the link to your event, publish it on social media or send it to your friends/family/community members.
  • Post your event link on local community calendars and library websites.
  • Share American Board’s Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest postings.
  • Direct people to American Board’s website or social media pages.

In Print: This method is best for more rural communities or communities where physical promotion is likely to be more effective than virtual promotion. As before, use your discretion for deciding which avenue(s) are best for your community, and keep in mind the centers of information in your area.

  • Email us to request business cards, info cards, or state coupon cards to distribute in your community.
  • Take out an ad in your local paper, or the newspapers of surrounding communities with your event information.
  • Post flyers at local community boards and info boards.
  • Please note: printed ads must be pre-approved.

Local School Districts: If you would like to reach out to specific school districts/schools in your area, contact me at the email below. After discussing your outreach plan, I can provide you with an outreach packet which will allow you to increase your community presence, get more teachers certified, and increase your commission payments.


Thank you all for the work you do! If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch via email at or via phone at 202-263-8313.


For a downloadable copy of these tips: Local Ambassador Outreach Tips

If you’d like to try and get a local article published to promote your event, please use this template:

Local Ad Template

Feel free to edit this template as appropriate per your local publication’s requirements. Please ensure your information session dates are updated, and remember that printed ads MUST be pre-approved.


Have a Bachelor’s degree and want to teach in [insert state]? Join American Board, a national nonprofit with a self-paced, online route to teaching certification! For more information, attend an information session at [insert details for your session(s) here] or visit


This flyer can be sent to your local school or a school district office, to let uncertified staff in the schools know about our program. We HIGHLY recommend reaching out to the HR department of your local school or district to let them know about our program.

Click on image to download flyer:

This flyer can be used to promote a particular information session to your local community. Make sure to write in all the necessary event details, and share the flyer with community boards, schools, libraries, etc. to spread the word about your next session!

Click on image to download flyer as a JPG:

Click on link to download flyer as a PDF:

Editable flyer PDF

Coming Soon….we promise.

Click on Your State to Download Your Presentation Guide








South Carolina



Click on Your State to Download Your PowerPoint Presentation








South Carolina



Visit our YouTube page for your state-specific video example/walk-through of a presentation.


Click Here for Ambassador Training Videos


Email our Representative Program Coordinator if you have any questions about this process. We are here to help you spread the word in your community and get certified teachers into your local classroom.

Check Out How We Work in Your State